- Status: Completed
- Studio: Lx Animation Studio
- Dirilis: Apr 30, 2023
- Durasi: 24 Menit per episode
- Season: Spring 2023
- Tipe: Donghua
- Episode: 25
- Fansub: olpND_2UanU
- Diposting pada:
- Rating: 7.50

Synopsis The Ravages of Time
Selama akhir Dinasti Han Timur, Dong Zhuo menggulingkan pemerintah, menculik kaisar untuk memerintah para pangeran, dan menahan tawanan kerabat pangeran. Setelah itu, strategi Lv Bu adalah membakar Luoyang sambil memancing pasukan Sekutu ke dalam guci. Pasukan sekutu menyusun strategi khusus mereka sendiri untuk membebaskan para sandera, karakter asmara naik ke atas panggung, dan panggung tuan dan pahlawan akan segera dimulai.
Donlod nonton streaming video, donghua, anichin top, otakudesu, anoboy, oploverz, kazefuri, meguminime, melody, bilibili, nimegami, unduh, riie net, anichin vip, drivenime, kusonime, neonime, maxnime, wetv, animeindo, neonime, samehadaku, streaming, youtube, yutub, otakupoi, awsubs, twitch, vimeo, animechina, auratail, anibatch, vidio, meownime, anitoki, anikyojin, nekonime, kurogaze, anichin art, vidio google drive, Muse Indonesia.iQIYI, Viu Muse Indonesia, Ani-One Asia, anichin my id, Netflix, Animenonton, Otaku desu, Mangaku, Anibatch,Vidio, Genflix, Amazon Prime Video, resolusi 240p, 144p 3Gp, all completed.
Episode The Ravages of Time
- The Ravages of Time Episode 16 END Sub Indo
- The Ravages of Time Episode 15 Sub Indo
- The Ravages of Time Episode 14 Sub Indo
- The Ravages of Time Episode 13 Sub Indo
- The Ravages of Time Episode 12 Sub Indo
- The Ravages of Time Episode 11 Sub Indo
- The Ravages of Time Episode 10 Sub Indo
- The Ravages of Time Episode 09 Sub Indo
- The Ravages of Time Episode 08 Sub Indo
- The Ravages of Time Episode 07 Sub Indo
- The Ravages of Time Episode 06 Sub Indo
- The Ravages of Time Episode 05 Sub Indo
- The Ravages of Time Episode 04 Sub Indo
- The Ravages of Time Episode 03 Sub Indo
- The Ravages of Time Episode 02 Sub Indo
- The Ravages of Time Episode 01 Sub Indo
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